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AINSWORTHS Original Dr. Bach Method Flower Essence Vine Fashion


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We take considerable care to produce flower remedies which are prepared and made in accordance with the clearly presented methods of Dr. Bach who made it very clear and, indeed, stated emphatically that the flower remedies were not homoeopathic preparations. Therefore, our essences are preserved only in brandy, at a 1:240 dilution of flower essence, closely following his original instructions. 

  • The Agrimony person is worried and restless in both mind and body. A feeling of inner suffering and torment is hidden behind a mask of cheerfulness and humour and they always maintain a smile. This remedy may help them to relax and share problems, to put these into perspective, and assist in creating a sense of peace.
      • Aspen is recommended for the type of vague, indefinable, anticipatory fear that takes the form of apprehension and anxiety. It will assist persons who are prone to nightmares, sleep walking talking and terrified that something terrible and unknown is going to happen. This remedy may help the sufferer to gain optimism and trust.
          • The Beech personality is intolerant, critical and annoyed by the small habits, mannerisms, gestures and little mistakes of others. They have difficulty in seeing the good and beauty in all that surrounds them. This remedy may help the person to appreciate another point of view and adopt a larger outlook, which may enable understanding and a more tolerant attitude.
              • Centaury persons are kind, quiet and gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others. Being generally weak-willed and subservient, their good nature leads them to do more than their fair share of work. Also self-determination and self-fulfilment are sacrificed in order to gain appreciation and devotion from others. This remedy may help these gentle people to be strong enough to respectfully accept and consider themselves and their own needs.
                  • The Cherry Plum person fears loss of control and reason. They fear insanity and their mind being taken over by sudden violent impulses. This remedy may assist in restoring the feeling of self-control and a desire to be responsible for their actions.
                      • The Clematis person is quiet, dreamy and drowsy, appearing to be not fully awake and have no great interest in life. They live more in the future than in the present and are absent-minded and inattentive, appearing to be in a world of their own. This remedy may help to be more concentrated and grounded in the present.
                          • Crab Apple. A wonderful remedy for feelings of despair, self-hatred and disgust with a sense of being unclean, both in mind and body, including impure thoughts or bad moods. This remedy may help us to accept and see things clearly, in their true proportion, free of shame and cleansed.
                              • Elm is a remedy for those who are overwhelmed by responsibility, leaving them feeling inadequate and worn out. At times there may be periods of depression when they feel that the task they have undertaken is too difficult, leaving them despondent and exhausted. This remedy may help the mind to become calmer enabling situations to be considered clearly, rationally and methodically.
                                  • Gentian persons are easily discouraged and full of doubt regarding their ability to succeed, after an initial failure. Any encounter with external difficulties creates self-doubt and dejection. This remedy may assist with positive thinking and acquiring the necessary faith and courage to triumph.
                                      • The Gorse remedy is for persons who think their situation is impossible and have experienced many failures and lost all faith in their ability to change their life. They believe that nothing more can be done to improve a seemingly impossible situation and have become hopeless and despairing. This remedy may help encourage hope, optimism and enthusiasm.
                                          • Heather persons prefer the company of others and feel the need to discuss their own affairs with whoever is available. They have a tendency to sap vitality from others and, as a consequence, are often avoided. This remedy may assist them to feel comfortable in their own company and helps cultivate an awareness and greater interest in life generally.

                                              • The Holly remedy is for when we have thoughts of jealousy, envy, suspicion and even hatred or revenge. Also, for when we feel restless, irritated or become angry easily and often lose control.  Holly may assist us with the acceptance of ourselves and to see life as the opportunity it truly is, to choose and to feel love.
                                                  • Hornbeam may help enable those of us who think we have not sufficient strength, mentally or physically, to carry the burden life has placed on us. We experience weariness and fatigue from the thought of what lies ahead. That ‚¬˜Monday morning a or ‚¬˜morning after a feeling. This remedy may assist in giving emotional strength to those who cannot face the day ahead or who cannot raise enthusiasm for a given project or duty.
                                                      • The Impatiens person is quick in thought and action and wishes all things to be done without hesitation or delay. They tend to be restless, fretful and jumpy and are impatient of people who work at a slower rate Å“ often preferring to work and think alone, so they can choose their own speed. Impatiens may help to regain momentum and poise so that life is experienced at a comfortable pace, giving time to enjoy the pleasures of life.
                                                          • Larch is the remedy for those that lack confidence and do not consider themselves as good or as capable as everyone else. They expect and fear failure and, therefore, give up at the first sign of difficulty. This remedy may assist in restoring self-confidence and the will to succeed.
                                                              • The Mimulus person experiences fears that they know and that exist in everyday life, such as illness, pain, accidents, heights, poverty, the dark, death etc. Their fearful nature extends to contact with people and they are usually shy, nervous or retiring. This remedy may assist in gaining the courage to confront their fears and, by so doing, diminish them.
                                                                  • Mustard is for those of us who suffer from periods of deep depression, sadness and gloom, which appear for no apparent reason and will disappear as suddenly as they come on. This remedy may help to dispel these dark clouds and thus allows balance and clarity.
                                                                      • The Oak personality is strong, reliable, patient and responsible. They shoulder great burdens without complaint and persevere, despite setbacks, never giving up hope. This obstinacy in continuing with their unceasing efforts, and ignoring all the warning signs, leads them to exhaustion. The Oak remedy may help to rebuild strength and to learn to achieve without strain.
                                                                          • This is the remedy for those of us who have suffered much mentally or physically and are so exhausted and weary we have no more strength left. Often this fatigue is due to overwork or over exertion. Olive may assist in restoring mental, physical and emotional balance.
                                                                              • Pine is required when we have feelings of guilt or blame ourselves Å“ even take responsibility for situations that are not of our making. We condemn our self, even when successful, thinking we could have done better and are never content with our efforts or results. This remedy may help to enlarge our point of view and give the clarity needed to alleviate feelings of guilt.
                                                                                  • The Red Chestnut person as worries and anxieties are for others. Their thoughts are solely occupied with the health and well being of other members of their family, friends or acquaintances Å“ often to the extent they have ceased to worry about themselves. Red Chestnut may help with the realisation that one can only be responsible for one as self and this clarity may help to overcome their fears and to trust in the process of life.
                                                                                      • This is the remedy for extreme fear, terror and panic, usually with trembling, perspiration and, in some cases, sudden paralysis or unconsciousness. Rock Rose may be the appropriate remedy when terror creates panic or when one is literally paralyzed by fear.
                                                                                          • This remedy is for indecision and uncertainty and is invaluable for people who cannot choose between one thing and another. Often any decisions made will later be reversed and, as they are unable to discuss their difficulties with others, they struggle alone. Scleranthus may help these people to see the larger picture required to make informed decisions.
                                                                                              • Sweet Chestnut is the remedy for those who are in deepest despair with this hopelessness leading to an inner void. They have reached the limits of their emotional endurance and no longer wish to go on as they feel their situation is beyond help. The Sweet Chestnut remedy may help to raise the curtain of despair, enabling them to see the larger picture and restores faith in their self.
                                                                                                  • This is a very capable person who is certain of their own ability and confident of success. They have a tendency to use their gifts to gain power, dominate others and be aggressively proud. This greed for power and authority can make them tyrannical and dictatorial. The Vine remedy does not affect self-assurance or leadership, but may help these people to become less harsh or severe and more understanding of other people, especially those whom they consider to be weaker.
                                                                                                      • The Walnut remedy offers us constant protection from outside influences and is the plant of new beginnings. It is helpful with any changes in life and new routines such as marriage, divorce, moving house or a new job. It may be of special help to those who are oversensitive to change, certain ideas, atmosphere and influences. The Walnut remedy may assist us through these events in life so that we do not lose our way.
                                                                                                          • The Water Violet personality is reserved and aloof, preferring to be alone and to choose for their self. Although very much in demand, well liked and often clever and talented, they withdraw into their private lives and often become loners. This remedy may help to dissolve defences and instil peace and calm, thus enabling them to invite friendship into their lives.
                                                                                                              • White Chestnut may be the required remedy when we cannot unwind and the mind is assaulted by constant spiralling thoughts. These thoughts, ideas and arguments are constantly spinning and repetitive.  Dr Bach called this the ‚¬˜gramophone record remedy a as it may help to relieve this mental whirlpool and restore peace of mind.
                                                                                                                  • The Wild Oat person has no aim or goal and feels dissatisfied with life. They feel unfulfilled, frustrated, despondent and without direction. This remedy may help them to view their life more clearly and to seek ways to find their true vocation.
                                                                                                                      • Wild rose may be the remedy for those who have inwardly given up and cannot find the enthusiasm or ambition to change anything in their life. Their lack of motivation leads to apathy and they become resigned to everything that comes along. This remedy may assist in reviving their natural zest and help create a newfound ‚¬˜joie de vivre a. 
                                                                                                                        • Buy Ainsworths Original Dr. Bach Method Flower Essence Online & Save

                                                                                                                          Consequently, they contain 417 times more flower essence than those made by 5x homoeopathic dilution.

                                                                                                                          Key Benefits

                                                                                                                          • Dairy Free
                                                                                                                          • Gluten Free
                                                                                                                          • Suitable For Vegetarians
                                                                                                                          • Vegan Friendly
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